Welcome to the information portal of the international beverage industry Birkner's BeverageWorld.
Birkner's BeverageWorld contains more than 20.000 company profiles from 200 countries with more than 15.000 e-mail and internet addresses.
You may do research in the Internet database in different product and service categories. With up-to-date trade and company news important decision-making aids are available for the management of these markets.
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Then please order here the professional access.
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Birkner's BeverageWorld - our newly designed internet portal with new interesting offers for you!
There have been many changes in the beverage industry in recent years, which have ultimately reflected the serious changes in the economy and society. Above all, the increasing environmental awareness and the ecological footprint, which is becoming more and more important, should be mentioned in this context.
For example, more and more bottlers are using bottles made of rPET (recycled PET) or have switched to returnable glass bottles.
The ban on single-use plastic, which applies in more and more areas, has prompted also the manufacturers of paper and cardboard products to take action: Meanwhile, paper straws, biodegradable cups or cardboard bottle carriers for multipacks, for example, are becoming part of the product portfolio.
We have redesigned our homepage for you and also want to take account of the changes in the paper industry. With our new bundles Gold, Silver and Bronze we want to better reflect the changed customer needs in our product portfolio. The advantages for you are obvious:
- Both finding and being found in our approx. 20,000-address industry directory for the paper industry is easier than before.
- In our newly designed news section you can now choose between general news, trade fair news and job news, for example.
- Our homepage functions more than before as an interface between those who are searching and those who want to be found.
- Responsive web design always ensures a high level of user-friendliness, regardless of the size of the end device