Deutscher Brauer-Bund e.V. - DBB, Brauerbund
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Associations, Institutes, Trade press
Deutscher Brauer-Bund e.V. - DBB, Brauerbund
Haus der Brauer, Neustädtische Kirchstrasse 7A
10117 Berlin
Company-News: DBB: Brewery losses of historic dimensions
Company-News: DBB: 'The situation in the brewing industry is dramatic'
Company-News: One in four breweries threatened with insolvency
Company-News: Non-alcoholic beers increasingly popular in Germany
Company-News: Europe's brewers commit to transparency
Company-News: 150 Years German Brewers' Association Book
Company-News: Germany: Brewers’ Association warns
Company-News: German Brewers Association: Internet platform for CO2
Company-News: German Brewers Association: Energy crisis
Company-News: High cost pressure burdens the German brewing industry
Company-News: Number of hobby brewers in Germany on the rise
Company-News: Deutscher Brauer-Bund: Breweries under pressure
Company-News: Beer sales fall significantly in November
Company-News: Beer market under pressure worldwide