Beverage industry at a glance – Log in for professional access
The professional search offers you more possibilities: The company profiles are displayed completely and you have the possibility to export company data.

Information regarding registration for the Professional Search
The professional search is a part of the 'Birkner's BeverageWorld database where a payment is charged.
The professional search offers additional fields for your research. Also, there is the possibility to see the value list for these fields.
As professional user you will be able to see detailed company information of the companies listed in the database. You may see data like products, machines, raw materials, capital, turnover, management, executives, number of employees etc.
Via the full text research you may search for all terms that are shown in the company profile.
The access to the professional search is valid for 12 months and costs EUR 336,00. Professional users can export up to 10,000 company data into an Excel spreadsheet. The following data is exported, if available: Company name, street, postcode, PO box, country, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address and homepage.
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