Here we publish news that don't really want to fit into any of the other categories. Sometimes it is current data from the economy. Sometimes it can be little anecdotes or small news releases that might make you smile, trivia, fun facts from the beverage industry, or just a few notes on new trends in beverages and packaging for beverages.

Perhaps you might like to take a look at this news category now and then for a change and be pleasantly surprised...

Companies in the beverage industry

Mineral water, Juices and Soft drinks
Hops, malt and raw material suppliers
Associations, Institutes, Trade press

Companies by department

01 Raw materials
02 Machines and installations
03 Operating and laboratory equipment
04 Energy management, working and packaging materials
05 Catering equipment
06 Transport and sales vehicles
07 Organization and advertising
08 Trade press, associations, institutes, institutions

Selected Topnews from the beverage industry