Are you really seeing with your beer goggles on?

"The later the evening, the more beautiful the guests" is a German saying. I used to think that this saying meant that the guests who arrive later have spent a long time getting ready and are therefore more beautiful.

But what is meant here is that later in the evening - when quite a lot has already been drunk - the guests suddenly appear more beautiful than at the beginning of the evening. But is this phenomenon really true?

This couple seems to be happy and does not wear beer goggles.
© Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi on Pixabay

British scientists have studied this phenomenon. They tested the effect of alcohol on 84 male and female students in England.

The test persons were divided into two groups: One group was given a quarter of a litre of an alcoholic drink, the other group - without knowing it - was given the non-alcoholic version of the drink.

The students were then asked to rate the attractiveness of certain persons of the opposite or same sex. For this purpose, they were presented with photos of different people. The slightly intoxicated group actually found the people in the pictures to be consistently more attractive, compared to the assessment of the sober group.