Australia & Ethiopia: Ethiopia seen as another potential export market for Australian malting barley
News General news
The Australian barley industry has set its sights on Ethiopia as another potential export market for premium Australian malting barley, the Mirage News reported on October 8.

The Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre (AEGIC) will host a webinar for the Ethiopian malting and brewing industries, in collaboration with Barley Australia, Grain Trade Australia (GTA) and the Grains Industry Market Access Forum (GIMAF).
The webinar will provide prospective barley buyers with information about the quality and value of Australian malting barley, and practical advice on how to optimise value for the Ethiopian beer industry.
AEGIC Barley Markets Manager Mary Raynes said Australian malting barley should be an attractive option in Ethiopia.
“There is good potential for growth in demand for beer in Ethiopia, and Australian malting barley is well placed to enter this market,” she said.
“Australian barley has an excellent reputation globally thanks to a very strong breeding program and the robust accreditation program.
“There will be a healthy volume of malting barley available for export this season and we’re expecting some strong interest from Ethiopia.”
The webinar will feature Dr Megan Sheehy, Executive Chair of Barley Australia, Pat O’Shannassy, GTA CEO, and Tony Russell, GIMAF Executive Manager.
AEGIC is planning similar events targeting potential barley markets in the Americas, including Mexico, Columbia, Ecuador and Peru.
AEGIC acknowledges and thanks the Agricultural Trade and Market Access Cooperation (ATMAC) for supporting these events.
AEGIC is an investment of the Australian Government through the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), and the Western Australian Government through the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).