Natural thirst quencher in the classroom - Better concentration with mineral water!

Here we go again: the coming school year will certainly demand a lot from children and young people. A fit mind and a good ability to concentrate are crucial for mastering the tasks. It helps to drink regularly at school. The "Drinking in class" initiative has set itself the goal of educating teachers, parents and pupils about the importance of sufficient fluid intake during lessons and is committed to ensuring that drinking is also permitted during school hours.

Minerwal water - Natural thirst quencher in the classroom
© Informationszentrale Deutsches Mineralwasser (IDM)
Source:  Company news

The brain depends on being supplied with nutrients - especially glucose and oxygen - via the blood. These are essential for cognitive functions. The blood, which is largely made up of water, can only provide this supply if the body's fluid balance is in balance. It is therefore important for pupils to drink regularly and sufficiently during lessons, emphasizes nutritionist and dietician Anja Roth: "Sufficient fluid intake is essential for pupils' concentration and performance. Mineral water in particular is ideal here, as it provides the body with calorie-free fluids."

The recommended amount for schoolchildren and young people to drink is between 1 and 1.5 liters, depending on their age. Nutrition expert Roth knows that not all schoolchildren achieve this amount of drinking per day: "The importance of regular drinking is often underestimated by pupils, parents and teachers alike. Not least for this reason, it is important to make a conscious effort to provide regular opportunities to drink at school."

Small but effective measures help to integrate drinking into everyday school life without disrupting lessons. Teachers and parents should work together to promote drinking in class, advises Anja Roth: "Integrating drinking breaks into school lessons, providing bottles of mineral water and setting an example of drinking habits are effective ways of reminding pupils to drink regularly. At school, children and young people can develop a kind of drinking routine from which they can benefit for the rest of their lives."

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