BIONADE Iced Tea - When tea takes a summer break

Iced tea was invented sometime around 1900 in the southern states of the USA. (Because it was already very, very hot there at the time. And suddenly there was cooling technology, hooray!) Just 11⁄4 centuries later, this groundbreaking innovation reaches us in the Rhön - and we are completely euphoric!

BIONADE Iced Tea Lemon and Peach
© Bionade GmbH
Source:  Company news

That's why our BIONADE iced tea is available in two delicious flavours. Naturally the BIONADE way: 100 per cent organic, lots of fruit and low in sugar.

Lemon iced tea - The one that cools refreshingly
The little sister of peach. Were you expecting a crazy flavour? We actually wanted to make one, but prickly pear wasn't the best flavour...

Peach iced tea - The one that cools in a classic way
The classic iced tea par excellence, but in the BIONADE style. So carbonated? Of course not. Otherwise it wouldn't be a real iced tea. But really organic, less sweet, but fruity-fresh and super tasty!