High inflation and capricious weather cause a decline in sales at mineral springs

High inflation, a change in consumer purchasing behaviour and a mixed summer season had an impact on the consumption of mineral water in Germany in 2023.

EUWID Verpackung
© EUWID Verpackung
Source:  Company news

According to preliminary industry data from the Association of German Mineral Springs (VDM), member companies sold 9.6 billion litres of mineral water and medicinal water last year, 4.5% less than in the previous year. Total sales of mineral water, medicinal water and mineral fountain soft drinks in the mineral water industry fell by 3.4% to a total of 12.8 billion litres in 2023.

In 2023, the proportion of packaging used by German mineral water producers was roughly on a par with the previous year. Both returnable PET and non-returnable PET increased slightly.