DEIT continues growth course
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In a stagnating market environment, DEIT is maintaining its position as a strong brand and is once again achieving strong growth in sales and volume in 2021. With proven high-quality recipes, new products and a modern brand experience, the number one in sugar-free lemonades is further extending its lead.

These ingredients go down well with consumers: zero sugar, lots of vitamins, full fruit flavor. This is what DEIT, the pioneer among sugar-free lemonades, stands for. With this promise, DEIT once again succeeds in growing significantly. Sales increased by 9.7% in 2021. DEIT's growth in value terms shows an increase of 11.1%.
With its successful performance, DEIT is now extending its lead among low-sugar soft drinks: DEIT is the commanding market leader among sugar-free soft drinks and the strong number 3 in the overall soft drink market.
As in previous years, DEIT is able to decouple itself from the general market trend. By way of comparison, the overall lemonade market slumped by - 6.8% in terms of volume and - 1.6% in terms of value in 2021. In the light lemonade segment, demand stagnated (sales: + 0.9%), with consumers increasingly turning to higher-priced light drinks (growth in value: 4.7%).
"We have been observing the trend toward reducing sugar consumption for some time," says Volkmar Goebel, head of marketing at DEIT brand owner DrinkStar. "But during the Corona pandemic, nutritional issues have once again become more important and people have become more aware of high-quality products. DEIT is winning over consumers across the board: a uniquely fruity taste, valuable vitamins and sparkling mineral water, combined with a modern brand experience have kept its fan base growing for years."
New products strengthen the brand
Regular product innovations are another building block for DEIT's sustained success. Currently, the company is working on the national roll-out of the new DEIT Citrus Passion Fruit variety. After the new variety was successfully launched in the southwest at the beginning of 2022, Bavaria is now following suit.
The signs are good that the new variety will also contribute to growth. "DEIT has been able to build up exceptional consumer loyalty in recent years," says marketing manager Volkmar Goebel. "We can also see this in key indicators such as repurchase rate, frequency and demand coverage, where DEIT ranks No. 1 among light lemonades according to GfK market research."
DEIT is also a leader in terms of intensity: consumers enjoy no other lemonade or light lemonade more frequently than DEIT. With an average of 32.4 L per year and buyer household, DEIT is also number one by a wide margin.
DrinkStar supports awareness and sales of DEIT with charming TV commercials that convey the message "Indulgence without regret" in the context of TV highlights. Online and social media activities, radio advertising, and trade ads for specific target groups round out the media mix. Point-of-sale activities and promotions also promote sales.