Eating cherries and drinking water leads to stomach ache - or does it?
News News blog
"If you eat cherries and then drink water, you'll get a stomach ache." Many of us probably remember this warning from our childhood, similar to "If you drink tap water, you get lice in your stomach."

But are these truisms really true? These warnings are mostly unfounded nowadays, as they date back to times when drinking water was of poor quality. Back then, it was not so much the cherries that played a role as the germ-laden water.
But the skin of cherries can harbour germs and yeasts, so you should always rinse the cherries thoroughly. If you don't heed this advice and eat a lot of cherries, the yeast fungi can get into your stomach and ferment there. This produces carbon dioxide, which can cause flatulence. But otherwise you can eat cherries and drink water afterwards without any problems.