GFGH: Beer sales disappoint in July
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After June gave cause for hope with an increase of around 10 percent, July was disappointing. Rainy weather and an unsuccessful European soccer championship weighed on beer sales, along with events that continued to be cancelled.

German brewers posted a 6.7 percent drop in domestic sales in July. Exports were down for the first time in months (9.5 percent), resulting in an overall drop of 7.2 percent. As usual, there is a wide spread between the German states in terms of total sales: Berlin/Brandenburg suffers a minus of 20.3 percent, while Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is the only state to record a plus (1.0 percent). Mixed beer beverages are down 2.9 percent nationwide in July.
Cumulatively, total beer sales are down 3.4 percent through July and domestic sales are down 5.2 percent. Export sales, on the other hand, are up 4.5 percent, but are unable to offset the continued dramatic losses at home. The Corona-related negative trend for the German brewing industry continues, and the sector is only slowly recovering from the effects. As always, the current figures do not include non-alcoholic beers and non-alcoholic beer mixes.
Source: German Federal Statistical Office