International DLG Quality Test 2024: Gorbatschow honored as “Best Vodka”
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As part of the International Quality Test for Spirits, the DLG (German Agricultural Society) regularly awards a special award for excellent spirits in the 16 most important categories in addition to its well-known gold, silver and bronze medals. In the “Best Vodka” category, 2024 Gorbatschow - Germany's vodka number 1 - from Henkell Freixenet came out on top.

The expert jury recognized the special recipe and top quality of this product, which impressively underlines the creativity and craftsmanship of the brand. The special award requires a DLG Gold award, which Gorbatschow successfully achieved again this year. “This special award is of particular importance to us,” summarizes Vanessa Lehmann, Head of Communications at Henkell Freixenet. “We are aware of the demanding DLG assessment criteria. The award fills us with pride and reinforces our high standards of quality and craftsmanship - standards that are reflected in our brands and products and that our customers can always count on.
At the heart of the DLG quality test for spirits is a sensory analysis in which the test criteria of appearance, color, clarity, smell, taste, typicity and harmony are evaluated. In addition to the sensory assessment, chemical-analytical parameters such as the content of fermentation by-products are examined to ensure a comprehensive product evaluation.
With a neutral network of experts and scientifically proven test methods, the DLG offers an independent quality assessment at a high level. Products that meet all the strict test criteria are awarded a gold, silver or bronze medal and bear the “DLG-awarded” quality seal.
With the “Best Vodka” award, the Gorbatschow 2024 brand is at the top of the vodka category and sends a strong signal for excellent product quality and sensory properties.