Grünbeck water treatment for green hydrogen - Growth with a new division: ultrapure water for electrolysis

Grünbeck, the water treatment specialist, is now also applying its technologies to hydrogen production, thus driving the energy turnaround. The company supplies customised water treatment plants for the optimal operation of electrolysers. The medium-sized company in Höchstädt, Bavaria, is thus creating additional employment opportunities in this new field.

Ultrapure water system with pre-treatment: Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH manufactures this complete system for the production of ultra-pure water for the operation of a 1 MW electrolyser.
© Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
Source:  Company news

Green hydrogen as an energy carrier of the future offers great opportunities for society and the economy. It can be used almost everywhere to replace fossil fuels and create an energy supply without greenhouse gases that is also independent of gas, oil and coal imports.

The basis for this is the production of "green" hydrogen from regeneratively generated electricity by electrolysis. This requires the purest water. To produce this, Grünbeck uses the know-how it has built up over decades and its proven technologies for water treatment. Depending on the electrolysis process, the requirements are different, so that treatment plants for fresh water replenishment or for circulation treatment are used. Often both are combined. Grünbeck adapts all system components individually to the customer's requirements and delivers them completely pre-assembled and workshop-tested on a system support frame.

The GENO-OSMO-X reverse osmosis system acts as the first desalination stage. The GENO-EDI-X electrodeionisation system then removes almost all remaining anions and cations from the permeate it produces. This system works with an ion exchange resin that is continuously regenerated by electrodialysis. This means that there is no need to exchange resins or use chemicals for regeneration. In addition, this eliminates downtimes.

The first Grünbeck plants are already in use in 1 to 10 MW electrolysers, and others are under construction. Orders for plants with an even higher capacity of more than 100 megawatts are on the horizon. This Grünbeck technology provides the basis for the plants currently planned worldwide for hydrogen filling stations, in the power plant sector, in energy-intensive industrial parks and in the field of municipalities.

With this growth, Grünbeck is creating interesting job prospects for professionals who want to be involved in a sustainable economy.