Haus Rabenhorst wins 18 gold awards
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Haus Rabenhorst was once again able to impress across the board in this year's DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft - German Agricultural Society) food tests: no fewer than 18 products were awarded DLG Gold, eight of them with top marks.

Haus Rabenhorst confirms the special quality of its premium fruit juices in the quality tests of the German Agricultural Society again in 2023. After thorough testing based on sensory, chemical, physical and microbiological analyses as well as verification of declaration accuracy, a total of 18 Haus Rabenhorst products received the Golden DLG Award: The Rabenhorst juices Rabenhorst Streuobst-Apfelsaft BIO, Kirschnektar BIO, Orange-Sanddorn, Schwarze Johannisbeere Muttersaft BIO, Heißer Horst BIO and the new product Rabenhorst Immunkraft passed the extensive quality test with great success and Rabenhorst Ingwer BIO Mini was also awarded Gold again this year. Eight products received the highest sensory rating in the evaluation: Rabenhorst Für den gesunden Durst, Apfel-Mango BIO, Pflaumi, Heißer Apfel-Ingwer BIO, Antistress BIO, Sauerkrautsaft BIO, Waldheidelbeere Muttersaft BIO and the new product Rabenhorst Scharfes Gemüse BIO. Rabenhorst Alles Gute BIO, Rabenhorst Ingwer-Mix BIO and Rabenhorst Maracuja BIO Mini were also successful in the sensory quality test, which used colour, appearance, smell, taste and aroma as test criteria.
Klaus-Jürgen Philipp, Managing Director of Haus Rabenhorst, is delighted about the awards from the independent DLG tests: "In addition to the numerous gold awards for our products, I am particularly pleased that our new products have also been recognised for their special quality. We only process selected fruits and a particularly gentle production process guarantees the preservation of a large number of valuable ingredients. The fact that this has now also been officially confirmed by the excellent test results for our products makes us very proud as a company."