High-performance triple softener from Grünbeck
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Mathematically incorrect: 1 x 3 = 2 x 2. And yet the calculation presented by Grünbeck for its new, high-performance softliQ:LB triple softener is correct. Thanks to innovative development work, it is ultimately as efficient as two double softeners. It also has numerous features that ensure reliable operation and ease of use.

Operators of residential complexes, businesses and hotels generally have high demands when it comes to water treatment. High flow rates must always go hand in hand with low pressure loss. Grünbeck's completely newly developed softliQ:LB softening system was designed precisely for these applications.
The centrepiece of the system is the unique three-column design. This makes it possible to treat up to 20 cubic metres of water per hour. The sophisticated technology is based on a patented three-way ball valve. With the help of this valuable component, three exchangers can be connected to each other, two of which are permanently flowed through in parallel. This provides the operator with a continuous supply of soft water.
This innovative technical design ensures low pressure losses with a maximum flow rate. This can result in several advantages for the overall installation. For example, pipework can be smaller, which reduces the amount of material used and cuts costs. A second softening system to increase capacity and a pressure booster system can also be dispensed with.
Another highlight: the large salt container with clever functions. Every softliQ:LB water softener has a salt container with a filling capacity of 275 kilograms as standard. This extends the refill intervals and reduces the operator's workload. Grünbeck has also integrated a sensor in the lid of the system to indicate the amount of salt so that the infrequent refilling is never forgotten. The operator is automatically informed as soon as the salt runs low - via the myProduct app or an optional bus connection for building management systems.
The new softliQ salt container also enables maintenance personnel to rinse out salt sludge quickly and easily without having to empty the regenerating salt first. Residues are channelled into the drain via the specially designed salt container base using intelligently fitted rinsing connections. Quickly and efficiently, saving valuable time. A robust pallet truck holder also makes it easier to transport a filled container, which can therefore also be used for a single person.
The leakage protection is just as intelligent. It uses an integrated water sensor to monitor the installation location of the softliQ:LB. If water collects on the floor - for whatever reason - a push notification is automatically sent to the maintenance technician so that they can react immediately and prevent damage.
Not least thanks to the intuitive touchscreen control unit, every operator inspection is just as easy to carry out as the installation of the Grünbeck water softener is for the specialist installer. Even during initial commissioning, the user is guided safely through the commissioning programme so that errors are virtually eliminated. Easier and faster than ever before.
As an option, the softliQ:LB large-scale softening system can even be ordered pre-assembled on a transport-friendly platform and already filled with resin. This significantly reduces the installation work on site once again, which is very much in the interests of specialist installers and operators. Another available accessory is exchanger insulation, which ensures that no condensation water forms on the exchanger bottles in the event of high temperature differences.
The new softliQ:LB triple softener is available to order immediately and can be delivered from July 2024.