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At long last, meeting in person again! We are already looking forward to welcoming you to drinktec in Munich and to taking a look into the future with you.

A wide range of reliable and promising filling and packaging systems awaits you. In focus: increasing overall system efficiency as well as extending the system life cycle of your production operation.
The beverage industry is faced with enormous global challenges. We would like to provide you with answers to urgent issues regarding protection of the climate and resources with respect to our products and systems. What is needed to achieve low-emission, most efficient and long-lasting value creation in your filling and packaging processes? And how will we continue to ensure product and consumer protection? What will the packaging of the future look like?
Even today you already profit from our economical and durable filling and packaging systems. In the future, the primary focus will be on the efficiency of your entire system. This requires a 360° view of all related processes. How do automated processes help in this regard? How much flexibility does a filling and packaging line require? What is needed to extend the life cycle of systems and what must the packaging of the future look like?
We constantly keep track of all of this, and with our four subject areas, Reliable Services, Smart Operations, Line Efficiency and Circular Packaging, we will clearly and impressively demonstrate innovative products at the trade show - foremost efficient new and further developments.
Environmental protection meets cost efficiency
Reacting to the changing demands of the market we are constantly developing new, sustainable packaging methods based on tried-and-tested technology.
New at drinktec 2022
In the future, KHS Connect will offer you even more options extending beyond ordering spare parts: we will be presenting innovations live at the trade show.