Live a balanced life: Mineral water is part of it

For more than three quarters of people in Germany, a healthy lifestyle is important or even very important. For them, the natural product mineral water is an inseparable part of it. This is shown by a recent representative survey conducted by the market and opinion research institute YouGov on behalf of the Association of German Mineral Springs (VDM).

With 81 per cent, mineral water is in first place by a wide margin in the assessment of which beverage is best suited for a healthy diet.
© VDM Verband Deutscher Mineralbrunnen e.V.
Source:  Company news

In addition to regular exercise and adequate sleep, a balanced diet with sufficient fluid intake is essential for a healthy lifestyle for people in Germany.

More than two thirds (67 percent) are sure that they drink enough fluids every day, although only one in two say they actually make a conscious effort to drink enough. Every third person in Germany (32 percent) assumes that their own drinking behaviour is not ideal and that they often drink too little or say that they do not even pay attention to it.

In contrast, there is great unanimity in the assessment of which beverage is best suited for a healthy diet. With 81 per cent, mineral water is in first place by a wide margin, ahead of other drinks such as tea (53 per cent) and coffee (21 per cent). The reasons for this are obvious: mineral water is originally pure, supplies the body not only with fluid but also with important minerals and is completely calorie-free. And in Germany, by the way, you can choose your own favourite thirst quencher from more than 500 different mineral waters - each with an individual content of minerals and trace elements.