Mineral water as a natural contribution to a balanced diet

Natural mineral water is the number one thirst quencher in Germany. 95 percent of Germans drink mineral water and rely on the originally pure natural product in their diet. Nutritionist Susanne Keppler explains the importance of mineral water for a balanced diet and emphasizes how important regular hydration is for physical and mental performance.

Mineral water
© Informationszentrale Deutsches Mineralwasser
Source:  Company news

Water is an essential component in all metabolic processes and biochemical reactions in our body and plays an important role in regulating body temperature. More than half of the human body consists of water. However, it cannot store it and loses an average of 2.5 liters of water every day, for example through breathing, sweating or going to the toilet. “This loss must be compensated for in good time through food and drink. Natural mineral water is very suitable for this,” advises nutritionist Susanne Keppler.

The body loses most of its fluids through the kidneys and urine, which excrete unwanted substances. It also loses water via the skin through sweating, often unnoticed. Digestion is not a major factor, but diarrhea or vomiting can significantly increase fluid loss. “Especially in the cold season that is now approaching again, many people tend not to keep to their daily fluid intake. It is particularly advisable to drink enough fluids when it is dry and cold outside or warm and heated inside,” says Susanne Keppler.

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends that adults drink around 1.5 liters of water a day, which corresponds to around six large glasses. “Drinking regularly contributes to physical and mental performance and helps you to cope with gray winter days full of energy - while promoting well-being,” explains the expert.