Mineral water with significantly increasing sales

People in Germany are drinking more mineral water again. According to current figures from the Association of German Mineral Wells (VDM), sales of mineral water in the period from January to August 2022 increased by a significant 7.5 percent compared to the same period last year. Consumer demand for carbonated mineral water is growing by 6.8 percent, and non-carbonated mineral water by as much as 15.3 percent.

Mineral water with significantly increasing sales
© VDM Verband Deutscher Mineralbrunnen e.V.
Source:  Company news

"With growing demand, particularly in the catering industry, and in view of the fine weather, sales of mineral water have risen significantly. For people who value naturalness, healthy nutrition and good taste, mineral water is a natural part of life," says Jürgen Reichle, Managing Director of the VDM. "Germany is the land of mineral water - the natural product is an integral part of our drinking culture."

World champion and mineral water ambassador Malaika Mihambo also appreciates these unique properties of mineral water: "Natural mineral water is particularly important to me as a competitive athlete, because I can only maintain my performance with a balanced fluid balance," says the 28-year-old. "I link mineral water to a natural and healthy lifestyle like no other product."

With more than 500 active springs, Germany is the land of mineral water. At the same time, natural mineral water is the only foodstuff in Germany to receive official recognition. Consumers appreciate the uniqueness of the natural product and its special value for a healthy diet.