Beer enjoyment and brewing craft: Mohrenbräu celebrates Brewing New Year's Eve at Messequartier

Vorarlberg's beer market leader invites to a traditional festival with a programme for the whole family.

Mohrenbräu Brausilvester in Dornbirn's Messequartier promises full Vorarlberg beer enjoyment
© Mohrenbrauerei Vertriebs KG. Mohrenbräu celebrates Brewing New Year's Eve
Source:  Company news

15,000 litres of beer, 12 varieties, 120 square metres of interactive bar, 30 metres of counter and 300 volunteers: The second Mohrenbräu Brausilvester in Dornbirn's Messequartier promises full Vorarlberg beer enjoyment. This year, the traditional festival to kick off the beer year offers an even bigger family programme on the open-air grounds with driving fun, a hands-on circus, a live stage, a creative beer bar and a romantic beer garden.

For beer, the new year begins in autumn. Once upon a time, brewing resumed with the fresh hop and grain harvest after the summer break. Although thanks to refrigeration technology, beer can now be produced all year round, the tradition of the Brewing New Year has endured to this day. The Mohren Brewery celebrated the beer festival for the first time last year at the Dornbirn Exhibition Centre. With around 9,000 guests and a programme for young and old, the Brausilvester was a complete success. On 30 September, the oldest brewery in the country invites visitors again and offers more beer enjoyment and recreational fun in the enlarged area.

"Brausilvester is the holiday for all friends of Vorarlberg beer and those who want to become friends. In a family atmosphere, we toast together to what unites us," says Mohrenbräu Managing Director Thomas Pachole. At the traditional keg tapping by Mayor Andrea Kaufmann, brewmaster Tim Gröger will be assisted this year by the two newly qualified brewing and beverage technicians Florin Feuerstein and Tim Ziolek. "Appreciation for the brewing craft and young talented people secure the future of beer. This is what we are committed to as an excellent training company," Gröger emphasises.

In addition to the more than 170 employees of the family-owned company, around 300 volunteers from Vorarlberg associations and six live bands will ensure that the festival will be tailor-made. "We are overwhelmed by the great commitment of the entire Mohrenbräu family," says Pachole, expressing his gratitude.

Traditional festival for enjoyment

15,000 litres of beer and 12 different types of beer will be served at Brausilvester from 11 am to 11 pm. At the 120-square-metre bar in the centre of the hall, everything revolves around liquid gold this year. More than 50 people will be supplying beer behind the 30-metre-long bar. The interactive bar in the form of a giant beer crate will be used during the Brew New Year with videos, animations, live pictures from the outdoor area and joint activities.

The outdoor area has been more than doubled in size to 4,000 square metres and offers the best entertainment for the whole family with Autodrom, carousel, outdoor action stage, children's train, join-in circus, lemonade and creative beer bar as well as a romantic beer garden. "Whether you are a passionate beer fan or not. There is something for everyone at Brausilvester," Thomas Pachole is convinced. The festival grounds will be open from 11 a.m., followed at 12 p.m. by the official tapping of the barrel and the handing over of donations. Musical entertainment is guaranteed by the Musikverein Dornbirn-Rohrbach, the Bauernkapelle Wolfurt and the Strawanzer Blasmusik. At 6 pm the party starts with the well-known celebration band XDream.