Decarbonization: New funding pot for the paper and glass industry

The Federal Ministry of Economics has set up a new funding pot of €3.3 billion for companies that want to significantly reduce their CO2 emissions.

EUWID Verpackung
© EUWID Verpackung
Source:  Company news

Energy-intensive companies, particularly in the SME sector, such as in the glass and paper industry, that convert their plants to climate-neutral status are to be reimbursed for large parts of the investment costs, as announced by Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Robert Habeck (Greens).

The funding program is to run until 2030. The funding opportunities start from a project size of €500,000 for small and medium-sized companies and €1 million for large companies. From a project volume of €15 million, 30% co-financing from the federal states is planned.