Award of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture: Pabst & Richarz again receives Federal Honor Award for Spirits

Pabst & Richarz Vertriebs GmbH, a subsidiary of Berentzen-Gruppe Aktiengesellschaft, was one of eight companies to receive the Bundesehrenpreis for spirits. The Bundesehrenpreis is the highest award in the German food industry and is presented annually by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

Pabst & Richarz again receives Federal Honor Award for Spirits
© DLG / Anne Orthen
Source:  Company news

Certificates as well as medals were presented jointly by Ministerial Director Dr. Katharina Böttcher and Dr. Diedrich Harms, Vice President of the German Agricultural Society. The DLG vice president particularly praised the award winners' consistent focus on quality. "The spirits producers are among the model companies that remain true to themselves even in challenging times and make quality the maxim of their daily activities. In doing so, they set trend-setting standards for quality, taste and enjoyment," says Harms.

For the eleventh time, Pabst & Richarz was able to prevail against numerous companies in the DLG's international quality test and achieve the best overall results together with the other award winners. "We are proud that our work has once again been rewarded and are very pleased with the award. It impressively demonstrates that with our beverage innovations we are constantly bringing new, exclusive product concepts to the markets that not only provide exceptional taste, but at the same time high quality for special moments of enjoyment," said Martin Wingbermühlen, Head of Quality Management and Research and Development at the Berentzen Group. "Our customers can continue to rely on the quality of our products in the future. For this, our entire team will continue to show full commitment."