Pillkaller - Iconic drink from the former province of East Prussia
News News blog
The name of the drink comes from the East Prussian town of Pillkallen. The drink was originally produced in Tapiau, but now in the Wiersbitzki distillery in Ahausen as Pillkaller Edel-Machandel. (Machandel is the Low German name for juniper).

To enjoy Pillkaller in the traditional way, you need mustard and liver sausage in addition to Pillkaller. The latter two ingredients are placed on top of the glass. First eat a slice of liverwurst with a little mustard and then "wash it down" with the Pillkaller. Or eat and drink everything at the same time.
The people of Pillkallen were known to be rowdy, as evidenced by the saying "Coming from Pillkallen unbeaten is a stroke of luck". Perhaps the inhabitants of Pillkallen simply drank too much Pillkaller...