German mineral springs and beverage trade launch 'Pro Mineral Water campaign:

Hardly anything is as important for people and nature as the element water. But not all water is the same. All too often, comparisons are drawn between natural mineral water and tap water that do not do justice to the different characteristics of the two types of water. In order to counteract this development, the Federal Association of German Beverage Wholesalers (BV GFGH) and the Association of German Beverage Retailers (VDGE), together with the Association of German Mineral Wells (VDM), have initiated the cross-sector communication campaign "Pro Mineral Water." The aim is to draw consumers' attention to natural mineral water and inform them about the benefits of this high-quality natural product. The beverage trade and the German mineral springs have now given the go-ahead for the joint activities.

Pro mineral water campaign: Nature bubbles here.
© VDM Verband Deutscher Mineralbrunnen e.V.
Source:  Company news

"Consumers are being led to believe from various sides that tap water is an equivalent alternative to natural mineral water. However, tap water and mineral water are two fundamentally different products. We want to inform and educate consumers about this," says Dirk Reinsberg, managing director of BV GFGH, explaining the aim of the broad-based communications initiative. In the more than 8,000 points of sale of the beverage specialized trade and the beverage retail trade in Germany consumers are made inside with different communication measures starting from today on the special value of the natural product mineral water attentive. They will be given the opportunity to find out about the key aspects of natural mineral water directly at the point of sale (POS) and to make a conscious purchasing decision on this basis. In particular, the differences to water from the tap are to be made clear to consumers. "Mineral water is one of the most important sales segments for our members. With the campaign we would like to move the singular advantages of the natural product mineral water, which cannot be replaced evenly by tap water and water sparklers, descriptive into the focus , explain Andreas bird, executive committee of the VDGE.

The information campaign is being designed in large part by the 200 or so mineral springs in Germany. The focus will be on various activities in the social media as well as local and regional campaigns. "Natural mineral water is characterized by its high quality and purity, the great diversity of this unique natural product and, associated with this, the unmistakable taste of each individual mineral water. We want to carry these messages perceptibly into the area," emphasizes Udo Kremer, Managing Director of the VDM. "People in Germany cover one-third of their liquid requirement of around 1.5 liters per day with natural mineral water. It is therefore the most popular cold drink in Germany and makes a valuable contribution to healthy nutrition."

The cross-sector campaign focuses on four themes: variety & taste, circular economy, safety and natural purity. In the coming months, a series of attention-grabbing motifs with powerful slogans will be released, picking up on the core themes and highlighting the benefits of natural mineral water.