You only wish to book individual components, but not a whole bundle?
News Birkner products
The components belonging to the bundles can also be booked individually.

These components of the bundles can also be booked individually:
Advertorial in the news section: We write up to 4 texts per year for you, each with up to 1,000 characters. You can provide us with your company logo, up to 3 pictures or a company video. Your news and press releases receive top placement on our homepage and in our social media channels. Price: 500 €/year
Top News: Your press release will be prominently placed on our homepage as top news for one week. Price: 199 €/week
Banner: Your advertising banner will be repeatedly displayed on our homepage at the top or right of centre. Price: Depending on placement and size between 480 € and 1.380 €/year.* You can see examples of the different banner variants and their positioning by clicking here.
Professional access: You receive an account and a password and can log in to our homepage for one year and get access to all company data. Up to 10.000 data can be exported. Price: 380 €/year. Please order database access here.
Business directory entry professional: Your company data is completely visible for all visitors of our homepage, not only for the users of the professional access. Price: 399 €/year. Please find an example here.
Business Card Online: You will receive an online ad with company logo, up to 4 pictures and, if applicable, an additional listing of all company products and/or a corporate video. You can see an example of such a business card by clicking here. Price: 249 €/year
*For a surcharge of € 150, we will be happy to create a banner for you.
Please note: You can save up to 1,000 € if you order one of our bundles instead of the individual components listed here!
Our terms of use apply to all products.