Spain: Heineken goes green in Spain starting with Seville brewery

Heineken Spain are continuing to “think green”. They have committed to “innovation and sustainability” with a new logistics model for cities in Spain. The brewery is paving the way to “green delivery” with their “last mile” sustainable mobility project, the Euro Weekly News reported on September 28.

Heineken goes green in Spain
© E-Malt
Source:  E-Malt News

The executive president of Heineken Spain, Guillaume Duverdier said: “In the Heineken Spain family we have the ambition to make beers that the world, people and the planet like, we are committed to being carbon neutral throughout our value chain by 2040, and that means working on sustainability, from the field to the bar”,

“We have already managed to reduce our CO2 emissions in distribution by 23.4% in the last ten years and with this project we are focusing on sustainable mobility”.

The new project will start in Seville. The company aim to extend it to other capitals across Spain. In Sevilla the project will “avoid the emission into the atmosphere of more than 21,450 tonnes of CO2 each year in the city”.

Heineken believe that sustainable mobility is “a necessary challenge to meet the objective of climate neutrality that the European Union has set for 2050, which involves reducing transport-related emissions by 90%”.

According to Heineken going green is extremely important in countries such as Spain “where there are more than 24.5 million cars in circulation – almost one for every two Spaniards – and 82% of the population lives in urban areas”.

As reported by 20 minutes, “the Ministry for Ecological Transition has recently presented the draft of its National Energy and Climate Plan, a strategy to comply with the Paris Agreement against climate change that defines the priorities for 2050 in terms of reducing emissions in urban areas.”

Heineken “shares this green ambition with the government at national, regional and local level”. The new project in Sevilla will see a fleet of electric scooters used as part of the “last mile” project.