Spezi and Co. - The Popular Cola-Mix Drinks at a Glance

Spezi is the classic among cola-mix drinks in Germany and Austria. The refreshing beverage made from cola and orange soda was invented in 1956 by the Riegele brewery in Augsburg. Since then, Spezi has developed into a popular brand that is bottled under license by several breweries.

Cola mix beverage
© Photo by NiKneT_Art on Pixabay

The Ingredients of Spezi and Similar Drinks
A typical cola-mix drink like Spezi consists of cola, orange juice, lemon juice, sugar, carbonation, and various flavors. The fruity-tart taste is created by mixing the sweetness of cola with the acidity of citrus fruits. Caffeine is also usually included. The juice content of Spezi is around 3%.

Well-Known Cola-Mix Drinks Besides Spezi
In addition to the original Spezi, there are other well-known cola-mix drinks on the German market:
• Schwip Schwap by PepsiCo (since 1969)
• Mezzo Mix by Coca-Cola (since 1973)
• Paulaner Spezi
• Mio Mio Cola-Orange

These brands are now partly even more popular than the original Spezi. In other countries, however, such mixed drinks are rather unknown and are offered at most as a limited special edition.

Great Popularity of Spezi & Co. in Germany
According to a survey, around 28% of Germans drink a cola-mix drink like Spezi, Schwip Schwap, or Mezzo Mix at least once a week. The drinks are very popular, especially among younger people. But many older people also like the special taste.
The combination of cola and orange is a perfect refreshment and a welcome change from pure soft drinks. In addition, Spezi and similar drinks are considered a typically German specialty. This shows that the cola mix is indispensable on store shelves.

Spezi and Co. - Almost Completely Unknown Abroad
Cola-mix drinks like Spezi are almost exclusively widespread in Germany and Austria. In some other countries, however, there were at least similar drinks for a time:
Overall, cola-orange mixed drinks are rather unknown outside the German-speaking world. There, they are considered a niche product or short-term promotional campaign at best.

  • In Switzerland, only a few manufacturers offer such mixtures, for example, Mezzo Mix.
  • In the UK, Coca-Cola Orange was temporarily available as a flavor variation.
  • In the Netherlands, the drinks Fanta Mezzo and Tornado were on the market for a while.
  • In Japan, Coca-Cola offered a variety called Fanta FunMix.

The great success of brands like Spezi, Schwip Schwap, or Mezzo Mix is therefore mainly limited to Germany and parts of Austria. Here, the cola-mix drinks are among the most popular thirst quenchers for many people.