VDP. winery St. Antony and spirits house Edelranz present joint vermouth

Football unites. St. Antony and the spirits producer “edelranz” met at a match of 1. FSV Mainz 05. This was the beginning of a fruitful partnership that has now resulted in a unique vermouth.

St. Antony vermouth
© The Storybuilders
Source:  Company news

The partnership
St. Antony and “edelranz” have been proud product partners of 1. FSV Mainz 05 for some time. The wines and spirits of both houses are served in the VIP lounge of the Mainz stadium. Reason enough to build a bridge and combine the best of both worlds. Curtain up for the St. Antony & edelranz vermouth!
The basis for the vermouth is the Blaufränkisch from St. Antony from the Roter Hang. The edelranz team has developed a red vermouth from the base wine, which is now being marketed in a joint design.

History of red vermouth
Red vermouth has its origins in Turin. It is traditionally made from full-bodied and heavy Italian red wines. A German Pinot Noir - known for its elegance and delicacy - would not suit a vermouth in terms of typicity. This is why Dirk Würtz from St. Antony decided to use his Blaufränkisch. The grape variety is known for its depth and is also an essential part of the St. Antony DNA. The Blaufränkisch gives the vermouth an unmistakable character.

St. Antony and edelranz use only natural and plant-based raw materials for the vermouth. No artificial flavors, no colorants - just pure botanicals, such as wormwood herb, birch leaves, juniper, coriander, blackberry leaves, grapefruit peel, curacao peel, orange blossom leaves, camomile blossoms or cedar wood. The vermouth is sweetened with German beekeeper's honey.

“When selecting the botanicals, we placed particular emphasis on ensuring that our vermouth shines in both a classic Negroni and a Boulevardier. The balancing act between these two drinks is not easy,” says Dirk Würtz. “This versatility makes our vermouth a unique companion in the world of cocktails and long drinks. If all this is too complex for you, you can also simply enjoy the vermouth with a great tonic!”

The St. Antony & edelranz vermouth is now available for EUR 24.90 (0.75 l) in the St. Antony online store.

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