The Mexican: from Hamburg cult drink to popular party shot

The Mexican has been one of the hottest shots in Germany's pubs and bars for years. Served as a hot shot, the mixed drink made from grain or vodka, tomato juice, sangrita, tabasco, salt and pepper is reminiscent of a spicy Bloody Mary. We reveal how the Mexican started its triumphal march from Hamburg's Reeperbahn and what makes a good Mexican.

Red beverage with tomato juice
© Image by Catalin Stefan from Pixabay

From blend to cult drink: the origins of the Mexican
The Mexican's success story began at the end of the 1980s in St. Pauli (a famous quarter of Hamburg). Steppenwolf Bartender Mike Coloni wanted to get rid of an inferior fruit schnapps he had bought by mistake. To mask the bad taste of the booze, he quickly mixed tomato juice, spices and hot sauce with it. The result was surprisingly well received by the guests. Coloni named the mixture "Mexican" because he thought the spiciness was somehow reminiscent of Mexico.

The shot was soon also mixed with Korn (grain schnapps) and conquered the bars in the neighborhood. The recipe was eagerly copied and developed further - the foundations for cult status were laid. While Coloni never really liked his "Mexican", the 99-pfennig shots quickly became his guests' favorite breath-freshening midnight drink.

The Mexican - alcohol without intoxication and without a hangover
If you want to get drunk, "Mexicans" are a bad idea. The vitamins and minerals in the tomato juice really counteract the intoxication. Without the hangover guarantee, of course.