USA, CT: Urban Lodge Brewing announces plans for a second location in Hartford

A brewhouse that has already taken north central Connecticut by storm has announced plans for a second location in Hartford, the Patch reported on June 22.

USA, CT: Urban Lodge Brewing announces plans for a second location in Hartford
Source:  Company news

The owners of Urban Lodge Brewing said the target is a Pratt Street location in one of Hartford's most historic districts.

"We are thrilled to announce that Urban Lodge will be opening a new taproom on Pratt Street in Hartford," Urban Lodge owners said in a social media post. "We are stoked to become a part of Downtown Hartford and the wonderful vibrancy and culture that's found a home in the Historic Pratt Street District."

Plans will evolve "over the coming months," the owners said.

The Pratt Street taproom will serve most of the Urban Lodge beverages, the owners said.

"Our original taproom on Purnell Place in Manchester will continue to operate with no interruptions or closures," the ones said. "In other words, we ain't going anywhere."

Urban Lodge also took over an old location for its original Manchester location at 47 Purnell Place. The building was transformed into a multi-station taproom, complete with an outdoor patio with a giant mural.