USA, PA: Pittsburgh’s Necromancer Brewing permanently closing this weekend

After nearly 3 years in business, Necromancer Brewing is permanently closing, Breweries in PA reported on February 19.

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Source:  Company news

The brewery will be open for the last time this Thursday and Friday (February 22-23), giving away FREE beer.

Necromancer owner Ben Butler explained the sudden closure as follows:

“Long story short, if you love your local brewery, hold them tight and don’t ever let them go. As an owner, my current perspective is absolute respect for anyone who has done this longer and continues to do so. It’s challenging.

“In that vein, I think it’s important for patrons to understand just how many factors work against breweries from the state level. Although it wasn’t the reason for our closure, my god do they make it hard. Breweries pay taxes on literally breathing, and as you might’ve seen recently in Pittsburgh, get told to stop operating without any temporary authority to operate to address state concerns.

“That is literally a business killer, which is completely against the stance of the current governor, and very against business in general.

“Finally, I gotta give a shout to my head brewer, and my entire team. They worked their asses off and this has nothing to do with the quality or their work. It’s purely a financial decision.”