VILSA enlarges its management and repositions itself for future topics
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The management of VILSA-BRUNNEN Otto Rodekohr GmbH will be expanded by one person who will be responsible for the area of technology. In the course of this, Dr. Michael Reinhardt will, in addition to his responsibility for finance, also take over the personnel department with immediate effect.

Henning Rodekohr, Managing Partner: "The group of companies is growing, and the tasks and issues continue to increase in number and complexity. Despite challenging times, we are constantly initiating new, major projects in the various areas that make VILSA strong for the present and the future. We have therefore decided to broaden the management team. We will be naming the new managing director shortly."
New Chairman of the Management Board: Hans-Dietrich Kühl
The position of Chairman of the Management Board will be filled with immediate effect by Marketing and Sales Managing Director Hans-Dietrich Kühl. Commenting on this decision, Henning Rodekohr said, "This function will thus logically go to the department that is most closely linked to the market with responsibility for marketing and sales. I am convinced that with this strong management team we are well positioned for the future."
As Managing Partner, Henning Rodekohr will drive forward the areas of sustainability and communications even more strongly and focus on the forward-looking, strategic issues of the Gro