Which wine is healthier - red wine or white wine?
News News blog
Most people prefer one type of wine - red wine or white wine. Many people are of the opinion that red wine is healthier than white wine. But is that really true? And what makes it so healthy? Here we get to the bottom of the matter.

Red wine has more antioxidants as the grape skins are also fermented during fermentation, whereas white wine does not. These give the wine tannins, resveratrol, anthocyanin and other plant substances. And the drier the red wine is, the more antioxidants it contains. And these help to increase the good HDL cholesterol in the blood and at the same time lower the bad LDL cholesterol, thus protecting both the arteries and the heart.
Red wine also contains phenols, which can significantly reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis, heart attacks and cancer. Resveratrol, which is particularly present in grapes with thick skins, should be emphasised here. Red wine also contains more magnesium, iron and silicon than white wine and less sugar. Heavy red wines (such as Pinot Noir) contain particularly high levels of resveratrol due to the thicker grape skin.
White wines are separated from the skins after pressing and fermented as clear must, which means that white wine contains much less resveratrol. It also usually has a higher sugar content than red wine. If you still enjoy a glass of white wine, it is best to choose a dry white wine.
So red wine is actually healthier than white wine. But in higher quantities, the harmful effects outweigh the positive ones. The following therefore applies to red wine (as to all other alcoholic beverages): only drink in moderation.