Zimbabwe: Delta Beverages invests over USD150 mln into expansion in five years

Delta Beverages has sunk US$70 million into the expansion of three manufacturing plants at its Harare factories, bringing its investment to over US$150 million in five years, the New Zimbabwe reported on July 11.

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The country’s biggest beverage producer presented its refurbished Coca-Cola, Traditional Beer, and Lager packaging lines recently, a move company Managing Director Matlhongonolo Valela said would positively impact the Zimbabwean economy.

Valela said a significant amount had also been invested in Delta Beverages’ (African Distillers) AFDIS subsidiary.

“These projects will have significant multiplier effects on the economy meaning if consumer spending responds there is an opportunity for all our value chain partners to increase their output by 30% to supply lager beer, 33% to supply soft drinks and 33% to supply sorghum beer, thus driving our economy to growth,” said Valela.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was Guest-of-Honour at the tour of its facilities commended Delta Beverages for its move to support local farmers.

He urged it to extend the same support to other sectors of Zimbabwe’s agricultural sector.

“It is pleasing to note that Delta Beverages provides farmers with inputs, extension services, and in deserving cases capital expenditure funding with a focus to improve yields, uniformity of varieties, and good agronomics practices,” said Mnangagwa.

“You should not only concentrate on your feedstock but extend your contract farming arrangements to also cover maize, which ensures that the contracted farmers remain productive throughout the year.”

Delta Beverages has been in operation in Zimbabwe for 125 years.

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